Sunday, January 29, 2023

My exuberance quotient is up now that I've laughed at the NYTimes

This morning, the NYTimes sent me an email with the subject header "how to make life worth living," recommending an article on how to age exuberantly (as though passing around a blood pressure monitor with friends a few months back and trying to outdo one another with low BP numbers does not suffice). I am still laughing (exuberantly, thank goodness) at the suggestion that hundreds of thousands, or millions, or nay, perhaps even billions of lives are not worth living because people's exuberance quotients fall below the NYTimes' exuberance threshhold.

As is the way with online media, the how-to-age-exuberantly article was followed by a link to an article on whether it's OK to sip coffee on an empty stomach: "there are a few facts that you should keep in mind..." 

My morning takeaway: it's a wonder that civilization has lasted as long as it has.

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