Thursday, March 4, 2010

Vermin update

Cats 2: Mice 0.

Did you know that bats can bite you while you're sleeping, and you might never even notice? Generally not clear-thinking, healthy bats, of course--rather, bats who aren't in their right mind, like bats who are so befuddled by rabies that they think your bedroom is a better place to find mosquitoes than the good old out of doors. Did you know that post-exposure rabies shots, while not as excruciating as they used to be, are still a royal pain in the butt? Did you know that the only places in Durham, NC, that have rabies shots available on short notice are hospital emergency rooms, where co-pays are an order of magnitude greater than at a doctor's office? Alas, C knows.


Tamsin said...

Sorry to hear about poor Charlotte; but you'll perhaps be horrified to know that I read the vermin (?) in question as CATS, not rats...

Liz Paley said...

Of course, the cats and I were thinking the MICE were the vermin, but history is always written by whomever wins the battle, isn't it?