Friday, April 24, 2015

Nominalization du jour

S and I went to an event last night in a building that is known locally as "The Green Weenie." I didn't have my camera with me, or I would have taken a photo of the signs posted on the walls near the elevators. Fortunately, my friend N works in the building, so she sent me a photo today.

I like this sign for many reasons. First, why upgrade an elevator, when you can make an upgrading go on to it instead? Note that the author writes "going on to," not "going onto," so there should be no confusion about what the upgrading is doing. I like that potential elevator users should "feel free to use the three other elevators"; perhaps the other elevators are usually off limits, which would surely make the upgrading particularly popular. That the three other elevators can be used throughout the building, rather than just in the elevator shafts, is a special bonus.

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