Saturday, February 15, 2025

Expanding the Bavarian curse repertoire

"Herrschaftzeiten," mumbles S. He is squinting at his cellphone. I recognize from the tone of his voice that this is a Bavarian curse, but despite living with S for 33 years, I've never heard this one.

--"Her satt zeichen?" I ask. "What's that?"

"The weather," he says.

--"No, I mean what's 'her satt zeichen'? You've been cursing a lot this semester, but I haven't heard that one yet."


--"Herrschaft Zeiten? Lordship's times? That's a curse?"

"Herrschaftzeiten. Times of the superiors. It's what you say when your superiors are on your nerves."

--"Uh oh, something up at work?"

"No, it's the weather."


"It's supposed to rain."

--"What does the weather have to do with Lordships? I mean, why that particular curse?"

"I dunno. It's just what you say."

I pull out my laptop and head to Google translate. It tells me Herrschaftzeiten means "reign times."* But S and the curse are Bavarian. He finds a Bayerisch translation.

"It comes from Herr, schau auf die Seite.

--"Lord, look askance." That makes more sense. 

We decide to make a list of Bavarian curses for future reference. It turns out that despite all of his cursing, S thinks his repertoire is limited to only five. (As I was typing this, first it was just four, then just five, then just six, and now eight. Time will tell.)

S's comprehensive (?) list of Bavarian curses

Hoast mi! - Hast du mich verstanden - Do you understand me?! 

        * (I always thought this one meant "Hoerst du mich?"--Hear me!--but S says otherwise. And to be fair, S doesn't say this--I do. It's one of the first German curse phrases S taught me because it was cute to hear the oblivious USAmerican say it, and it makes Bavarians laugh.)

Himmel, Arsch, und Zwirrn - Heaven, ass, and twine.

So a Kas' - What a cheese. 

So was bloedes - Idiotically stupid

        * (I always thought this one mean "bloody" in the British curse sense, but I was wrong.)

Sau dumm - Pig dumb.

Hejgott sakra - Herr Gott Sakra - Lord God, Sacrament.

Herrschaftzeiten - Lord look askance.

Zefix - Crucifix.

Bonus list: Curses S's mom H "used all the time"

KruzetiaknKruzi Turken - S thought this meant "crucify the Turks," but Kruze apparently refers to Kuruzen, a Hungarian Protestant sect that united with the Turks against Catholics in the late 1600s. 

Depp - Deppeda - So a Dep - What a dope.

Dridschla - Slowpoke, e.g. that jerk who's driving aggravatingly slowly right in front of you.


For additional Bavarian curses, see Wikipedia's collection of Bavarian Curses at (The title of the page is, naturally, Bavarian for "Bavarian Curse Collection." In high German, one would write "Bayerische Fluchsammlung.")


*Reign and rain are homophones, although that has nothing to do with any of this.